Appointment Questionnaire Appointment Questionnaire PDF Online × QUESTIONNAIRE How many times a week do you read your bible?(Required) How many times a week do you pray? How long?(Required) If you fast what are usually the reasons for it?(Required) How often do you fast? What do you fast?(Required) Do you live a fasting life style?(Required) Do you have a Prayer Partner?(Required) How often do you go to church or bible study/prayer group a week?(Required) How many people a week do you share your testimony or share your faith with?(Required) How often do you spend in worship a week (music only)?(Required) What do you think is stopping you from receiving God's promises or blessings in your life ?(Required) What do you think are the most common sin's you commit?(Required) How much time do you talk to God a week?(Required) What promises do you feel God has made that you do not have?(Required) How did you come to being a Christian (if not please put N/A)(Required) Do you see Jesus?(Required) Name(Required) First Last EmailThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. 899