Prophetic Hour
Prophetic Word April 28th, 2023
The word the Lord revealed to Pastor Tina Mancebo concerning the nation, world, economy, church, and State of California.
God’s Hand Over California
Right now, this country is going through a deliverance.
We’ve gotten too far away from God and God is calling his people back. He showed me that there has been a hand over California for many years that has led the state to be very prosperous. However, God’s hand has lifted off of California.
This is not the time to be in California unless He called you to be here to bring revival and you are prayed up. The Lord told me, “I’m taking my hand off of California temporarily, and I’m putting it on Florida.”
20-Year Period
Then, the Lord showed me a 20-year period. The first 10 years will be a time of tearing and breaking down, followed by 10 years of healing.
The Lord also showed me that Generation Z is a generation that was born with tremendous faith. “When this is all over,” He told me, “they will not be scathed. They are going to be so full of faith. But the older generations are going to struggle and barely make it out because of their stiff neck ways. They either didn’t want to bend and change, or it took them longer to bend. However, the younger ones were more open to the Lord.”
Renewed Republican Party
The Lord showed me there was going to be a renewed Republican Party and DeSantis was going to lead it. At what capacity, I don’t know., however in 2020, the Lord gave me this word.
He showed me that it’s going to be a rough 10 years, but what deliverance is easy?
The Lord’s Hand Is Over Mexico
The Lord told me, “I’m putting my hand over Mexico. Revival is going to break out in Mexico and they will become an intercessor to the United States. When that happens, that’s when the strongholds over the United States will break.”
I will tell you that the Lord has told me to move to Mexico. Back in 2019, we started the process to get citizenship, which is necessary not only for ministry, but for gaining spiritual authority. Our directive from the Lord was to build an apostolic center in two cities in Mexico.
Rest In Mexico
God told me, “I’m going to take you away like I did my prophet Elijah and I want you to go to Mexico. I will tell you where to go and when to go and you’re going to stay there until all this is over. Like when the Prophet ran from Jezebel, the Ravens will feed you until it’s time for you to return.”
I told my husband, “God said we will have to go there because of all that is going to happen here in the United States. Mexico will be where we go to rest, and the United States will be where we go to help the people.”
It feels spiritually amazing every time I go there. Everyone I’ve taken with me says the same thing. They feel the angels and the difference in the land. You do not know the oppression over the United States until you cross the border. Although people make it sound scary over there, I’ll tell you that every time I’ve gone, it’s like a breath of fresh air. Once I cross the border, I’ve seen all the witchcraft put on me flake off like ashes or soot.
The Sign Of A Dark Era
The Lord also took me in a vision concerning King Charles. I didn’t understand it at the time, but He told me, “When King Charles has his coronation, it is the sign for the beginning of a dark era .” We know that’s happening in a few weeks, but He told me this a few months back. “However,” The Lord told me, “his reign will not be long. When his son takes the throne it will be a sign that this dark era is over.”
International Alliances
In 2017, I was taken in a vision where God showed me an alliance between Saudi Arabia, China, and Russia. They were allying in wanting to take over the entire world, not just the United States.
Idols Falling Over California
He showed me an idol over California and it coming down, just like with Nebuchadnezzar in the book of Daniel. I saw different kingdoms were going to fall. One of them included social media.
Food Shortages
There are also going to be food shortages coming up.
God took me in a vision and showed me walking into a grocery store and stealing a head of lettuce. I said, “Lord, what does this mean?” And He replied, “There is going to be food shortages. It’s going to be hard for people to buy even a head of lettuce.”
Real Estate Crash
There’s going to be a major crash in Real Estate. You’re going to see people living two to three families in one home because they’re not going to be able to afford living on their own. The Lord told me back in 2018 to get a house large enough for multi-families because this was coming. He also told me that the bigger homes in working class neighborhoods were going to become very valuable.
Rising Crime
“There’s going to be a lot of theft,” He told me. “The people that have money are going to abandon their homes due to the rising crime. That’s how bad it’s going to get. The working-class people can’t just get up and leave their only home, though, so they’ll have to stay and protect it.”
A Rise in Spiritual Giftings
I was also shown that there are going to be problems with communication, leading to the rise in Christians’ discernment and giftings. Those with ears to hear are going to just know things. You can’t trust the news so you’re going to need the Holy Spirit to tell you what’s really going on in this country and what to believe.
Some things are going to happen in a split second and you’re not going to be notified. This isn’t a time to be business as usual. When you get up in the morning, you’re going to need to pray about everything you do and ask God, “Where do I go? When do I go?”
Flooding in California
Seven years ago, God told me about a flood that was coming to California that would wipe out most farmers in the area. Someone who was in the farming industry came to me and handed me a map. While their original question had nothing to do with a flood, I asked, “Are you near a dam?” They said, “Oh, yes.”
I told them, “You’re going to be wiped out of everything. There’s a flood coming that’s going to take everything out and it will take your whole life to work to get back your things.”
The Lord also told me that Fresno will be near coastal area. When we got our new house, we were originally decorating it all in browns, but then He said for me to change it to light blues and white. I asked the Lord, “Why? This feels more like the coast colors.” And the Lord said, “One day it will be. You will not be far from the beach.” Other prophets, like Bob Jones, are saying that.
Revival in California
If you are in this world but not of it, you’re going to get really excited during this time. You’re going to see salvations. All those family members you’ve been praying for and those in our cities are going to experience a great revival.
The Lord showed me they’re going to come all over from Highway 99. Mario Murillo and I saw that same word about Revival down 99. For our ministry’s building, we strategically picked a location in downtown Fresno next to the freeways. “I want you near the freeways so the people can get to you quicker,” The Lord told us. “They’re going to come from the highways and the byways to get set free.”
Christian Owned Businesses
I also saw a massive takeover of buildings for the Kingdom of God. The land in California is go to change ownership and be primarily owned by the Body of Christ. You’re going to have Christian businesses. Are you excited? I’m excited. This is to be for God’s glory.
The Lord showed me that the church is going to be judged. However, this judgement is happening because He loves us and just like the Bible says, He chastens those He loves (Hebrews 12:6-11).
Churches Shutting Down
The Lord showed me many big churches are going to be shut down. God will fund the truth, but anyone who’s not speaking the truth is being taken to court by the enemy. They won’t be able to weather the storm these next 10 years. He also spoke to me about how there has been sin and mixture in the church by celebrating Pagan holidays.
A Call For Repentance
I also saw the enemy go before the heavenlies and contend against the church, just like in Revelation 12 in which he is an accuser of the brethren. The enemy is taking the churches to “court” over the sin that has been going on in hidden places. These hidden sins are going to be revealed and exposed.
The Body of Christ was stiff-neck. They weren’t listening, they weren’t praying like they needed to, and there wasn’t repentance. Now, we’re seeing floods everywhere. We’re seeing fires everywhere. We’re seeing crime going up. And I said, “Okay, Lord, this is all because of a stiff-neck church.” And I said, “There needs to be a major, major repentance going on right now in the body of Christ, in order for them to hear, and for God to answer their prayers.”
God Wants to Answer Our Prayers
The Lord also took me in the spirit and I saw little white courthouses all over the United States. “These are not natural court cases,” He said. “These are court cases over strongholds and principalities and powers that have taken these areas of land. These court cases have come about from the prayers of the Christians from those states.”
So I went to my people, and I did tell those in my congregation about the vision God had given me. I said to them, “If we don’t start praying and if the United States and the churches do not repent, how can we go before the Lord and go against what the enemy is saying? You can’t fight against the accuser of the brethren if it’s the truth, amen?” The Lord told me, “I want to answer the people but I can’t because the enemy made accusations and they’re true, so there needs to be repentance. And if they don’t repent, I can’t answer the prayers.” We need to come into repentance and cling back onto God.
Preparing For Revival
The Lord needs the Church cleaned up before the great revival in America because those who were saved will need somewhere safe to grow and be discipled. But right now, the church is wicked, and He doesn’t want to send these new souls into a place where they will be hurt or led astray.
Major Healings In Addiction
Finally, what God also showed me is that there is going to be wonderful, major healing in addictions. I saw people get set free that were addicted to drugs and alcohol, and God using them for His glory. I saw people saying, “I’ve been doing ministry for 20 years, and God didn’t use me to do half the miracles that happened here today.” Those who are coming out of these addictions are going to be so anointed and so gifted, that God will use them as His hands for signs, miracles, and wonders.
Blessings From Helping the Church
“Over the next 10 years,” God told me, “the ones who will financially weather the storm will be the Church and a few selected people.”
These few selected people are individuals who helped the church. Just like how the prostitute, Rahab, helped hide the two spies that went into Jericho, those who help God’s people will be protected. She was a prostitute and not with the Lord, yet she was spared from the destruction of Jericho when no other family was because she had helped them.
The church will weather the storm because most jobs will be affected except the church and a few selected fields. Not just any church, but the true church will be unaffected. There is no such thing as a guaranteed job. And the career choice that everybody chose to mock, or think was the unrealistic, stupid or the poor man’s career, God is going to flip it to be prosperous. Just like the Word of God says, “Seek after My Kingdom and all these things will be added unto you.” People are going to look back and say, “I should have gotten to ministry.”
Debt & Cryptos
The Lord also told me, “Pay off all your debt.”
This is because money is going to become almost null.
God took me and showed me the cryptos, and that it’s going to fall. He said that the government is making its own crypto and they’re going to oversee it due to the people not being accountable to the government for it.
I also saw people’s IRAs being wiped out. I saw people’s savings accounts being wiped out.
Deep Love Will Come Back into Christians’ Hearts
Then, I saw the love of God rise up in people’s hearts, and them giving again, like in the book of Acts where people gave to those who did not have. As people are no longer able to depend on their savings accounts, IRAs, etc, Love and giving is going to come back into the churches. It’s all going to be wiped out. God showed me.
I sat with somebody who was in ministry and my heart sunk for them. They said, “We are retired and all our finances are planned out. We are good for the rest of our life now.” I thought, “They have no idea that all the nice investments that are bringing in money will crash.”
Real Estate Market Crash
Also, the real estate market is going to crash, and the Commercial Real Estate Market will crash the worst.
Before that time, the Body of Christ didn’t have an opportunity to buy buildings. However, for those who have an ear to hear, God’s going to give them the favor to buy buildings for the Kingdom of God.
January 1st Offering
Lastly, He told me, “Starting January 1st of 2024, you are to give a special offering and to do this offering to Me every year until I tell you not to.”
Now, I’m not soliciting for money, but God told me this is to rebuke the devourer over the economy system that is going to drag down the people of the United States. God says, “Pay your tithes.” With a heart of thanksgiving and gratitude, we are commanded to honor the Lord with our tithes and offerings. As you follow this spiritual principal, watch and see how you will be unaffected by every negative thing I’m saying.
So if you get in the bind, pull up this word right here to remind yourself of how to get out of your bind. I’m telling you how to do it. If you’re already doing it, then you’re going to be fine and the enemy will not be able to touch you. Amen.